Personal Growth

Salary Alone will not make you Wealthy

unrecognizable man holding wallet with money

My friend George attended a seminar organized by his company; it was an eye opener for me, with lots of lessons learnt. Today, I want to share an article he gave me about salary and its long term effect on your future. I hope you will grasp something new from it. Happy reading:

Research had it that the poorest groups of people in the world are salary earners, next are beggars. They live in a vicious cycle of poverty, Managed on a 30-day cycle, salary is continuously being awaited every month and any slight delay brings about heart-breaking anxiety, pressure and disappointment.

Salary alone cannot solve your money problems. You need multiple sources of income to balance. The tax return form contains about 11 income streams, of which salary is just one… Don’t live Life fishing with just one hook; there are many fishes in the ocean.

Salary is the MEDICINE for managing POVERTY, not to CURE it. Only your BUSINESS or INVESTMENT Cures Poverty!

Most investors are not salary earners

The difference between those beggars on the street and salary earners is one month salary. Truncate the flow of their salary for one month and you would realize that majority belong to the lower class. If you divide your salary by the rate of exchange, you will discover that you are poorer, relative to when you started work.

Or divide your salary per annum by 2,000 hours to know what your one hour is worth. If you do not have three months’ salary in savings, you are already poor. Being a salary earner is a mentality, BREAK IT!!!

Your worth is far more than your salary

Salary is the value someone has put on your effort. How much do you value yourself? You can’t increase in value, unless you value yourself differently.

Life is a trade-off between time, effort and reward. To be rewarded more, you have to become more valuable. Most salary earners end up poor in the long and short term.

I therefore urge every one of us to be FINANCIALLY INTELLIGENT, FINANCIALLY LITERATE and OPEN OUR EYES TO SEE OPPORTUNITIES IN PROBLEMS. Delve into entrepreneurship because salary is a lifetime disappointment.

Being a Salary Earner or Investor is a decision.

Life will not change until you decide. Make the move!!!

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Your Comfort Zone is not Serving you – Tips to Leaving your Comfort Zone

photo of man leaning on wooden table

What is the relationship between the successful life you desire and your comfort zone? In this article, I will be discussing why your comfort zone is not serving you.

In my opinion, a comfort zone is that state or position where you feel relaxed and contented about what you do or have. For instance, you could be a teacher working in a small school, but because you earn money enough to pay your house rent and take care of some needs, you feel satisfied and contented, such that you wouldn’t want to look for another job

Another scenario is such that you are pleased with where you are and wouldn’t want to go seeking a better opportunity. Safe to say, you are comfortable enough, not to desire trying something new. This is one of the reason for failure, poverty and lack in the society.

Since we have established that one of the causes of failure, poverty and lack is one’s inability to leave their comfort zone, then, we should be able to find a way out.

It starts first from reconditioning your mind and getting your perspective right. What you become or how successful or how much money you earn is largely dependent on your mindset. Your belief system plays a major role in shaping what you become in life. It is therefore safe to conclude that your success or failure is proportional to your belief or conviction. In essence, you need to start believing in yourself and the possibility of achieving success.

Every success achieved is driven by something greater on the inside. At this point, I will like to ask you a very simple question. What is your driving force? (What is your WHY). The compelling nature of a driving force keeps you dissatisfied with your current status or position. This is the kind of drive you need to propel you to action.

To leave your comfort zone, you must then develop the desire and passion for a better status. Do not be satisfied with what you do or have, rather you should believe there is a better status, higher level, higher income etc. and aspire to surpass it. This should form the basis for your success in life

Having said this, I hope you will start from this minute by first believing in yourself and the fact that you deserve a better life. Take deliberate and conscious steps towards leaving your comfort zone, because there is a better life than where you currently are. Truth is, you must be dissatisfied with where you are right now, in order to get to a higher level. This is the force that will drive or propel you to leave your comfort zone. Go out there and try something new, take that course, read that book, start that business, start living…Do it afraid.

Like many of my articles, I hope this one has given you the impetus you need to leave you comfort zone and become a better you

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Stop Imitating Others – You Have a Unique Assignment

focused young man with little sons sitting at desk

Do you know that imitating others will mask your identity?

I have always maintained that God created you for a unique purpose or assignment. How do I know this?

Well, have you noticed that know two persons have the same innert abilities? People may look alike, but it has never been established that any two persons have the same DNA profile.

You are UNIQUE! There can only be you.

Given this truth, it establishes that you are gifted with unque abilities for the purpose of fulfilling a specific assignment on earth.

If you were not needed, you wouldn’t be here.

But, it is unfortunate that many people have lost their identity by way of imitating others. I mean, trying to be like another person.

Imitating others simply means that your uniqueness is lost and you will be unable to fulfill your makers’ assignment.

Meanwhile, the only assurance of a happy and fulfilled life is when you know your purpose and fulffill it.

Your uniqueness is meant to stand you out in every sphere of life. But by imitating others you lost out completely this attribute.

While it is not a bad idea to learn from other people,imitating and trying to be like them is where the problem lies.

Some one once said, if you don’t plan your life, you will live someone esles’s plan and they will take you to a destination that you wouldn’t like.

This explains why many people are living frustrated and unhappy lives.

I am hoping this blog post will awaken you to the reality of your purpose on earth. You have a specific assignment and you were eqipped for it.

One of the ways you can unlock your uniqueness is by becoming aware of your purpose on earth (why you are here).

Discovering your purpose will help you align your natural ability, giftings, passion, interest, etc such that there is a synergy of those towards the fulfillment of your assignement on earth.

This is how you gain personal mastery and become the best that God created you to be.

I help individuals unlock their potentials so that they can lead a life of purpose, dominion and abundance. CLICK HERE to contact me for a coaching session.

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